Lessons via Leaders

Episode 14: Building A Thriving Community w/ Raul Moas - Miami Program Director @ The Knight Foundation

Will Weinraub Season 1 Episode 14

What does a community need to reach it’s fullest potential?

Our guest today, my good friend Raul Moas, thinks about this on a daily basis through his work as Program Director at The Knight Foundation.

At the Knight Foundation, Raul is working hard to strengthen connections between the local network of founders, investors, and talent to support learning, growth, and community. 

I have been fortunate to work with Raul on many different initiatives and I can tell you that you’d be hard-pressed to find someone that genuinely cares as about serving his community as much as he does. 

Every time I have the chance to talk to Raul I come away energized because he cuts through all the BS and gets right to the heart of what matters and that is evident in this episode, which I am excited to share with you all.

In this episode, Raul shares:

  • His background and how he first got involved in the Knight Foundation
  • Knight Foundation's focus and key initiatives in the Miami area
  • How to effectively build communities and why it’s important for founders and entrepreneurs to lead
  • The importance of authentic leadership
  • His thoughts on Miami being a place where entrepreneurs can thrive
  • and much, much more...

Get in touch with Raul:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rmoas

Email: raul@kf.org

Knight Foundation Miami: https://knightfoundation.org/communities/miami/